Is Jawline Filler Or Jaw Implant Suitable For You?

Chin Surgery

By Emel Gerdaneri • Medical review by Serhat Tuncer, MD

Is Jawline Filler Or Jaw Implant Suitable For You?

Aesthetic touches that increase beauty in physical appearance are frequently applied due to technological innovations and the proliferation of valuable research in this direction.

Jaw prosthesis is one of the most requested of plastic and aesthetic surgeons among these treatments. We ask our questions about chin prosthesis to Plastic Surgeon Serhat Tuncer MD:
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What is Jaw Implant?

“Jaw replacement surgery is a plastic surgery procedure that corrects the appearance of the chin and reduces the appearance of the jowl by placing an implant under the ear or in the chin.

It should be applied by a plastic surgeon who is an expert and certified in his field. The need for this treatment is determined as a result of visual and radiological analyzes.

With this treatment performed under anesthesia, most patients can return to their routine life after a 7-day recovery period. The chin prosthesis treatment gives the chin a more prominent appearance and proportions the facial skeleton, which makes the face look beautiful.

This aesthetic ratio can be seen when the celebrities who have had a chin prosthesis and their before/after photos are examined.

What is the Difference Of Jaw Implant Treatment and Jawline Filler?

jawline filler“Jaw prosthesis is a plastic surgery procedure performed under anesthesia. Jawline filler is a non-surgical procedure performed with the filler technique.

In addition, the chin prosthesis is more permanent than the jawline filler. Jawline filler process, as the name suggests, is a filler treatment containing hyaluronic acid.

The permanence of this process is 1 or 2 years. The permanence of the chin prosthesis is lifelong. At this point, it is extremely important that you identify the problem in the chin area and know what kind of change you want to achieve.”


  • A chin implant is a plastic surgery procedure performed under anesthesia.

  • Jawline is a filler treatment containing hyaluronic acid.

  • When a chin prosthesis is applied by a specialist, it is permanent for a lifetime.

  • Jawline filler treatment is permanent for 1 or 2 years.

  • In the chin prosthesis, a few cm incisions are made under the chin and therefore a small scar remains, albeit indistinct.

  • Since it is a non-surgical procedure in the jawline filler treatment, there is no scar.

How is Jaw Implant Performed?

“Jaw replacement surgery is the right choice for men and women who complain that the chin is back or looks smaller.

When applied by an expert plastic surgeon, it creates an aesthetic proportion on the entire face. The prosthesis treatment is made of silicone or polyethylene material. Prostheses are specifically designed to fit the individual face shape of the patient.

The prosthesis extends the shape of the chin from the chin side to give the face a sharper angle and a more defined chin appearance.

What is the Process After Jaw Replacement Surgery?

jawlineOne of the most curious issues by those who have a chin prosthesis is the post-operative process. Here is what awaits you in this process and what you need to do:

  • Although it is a fast process, it is extremely important that the healing process proceed in a planned flow.

  • Swelling and bruising that will last for 1 week can be seen in the treatment area. You can contact your doctor for swelling and apply the recommended methods.

  • It is useful to stay away from alcohol and cigarettes for a few weeks after the treatment.

  • You should take care to keep your head up for a while and avoid sleeping on your stomach.

  • You can have the stitches removed at the end of 1 week.

  • After the treatment, pain may occur for 2 or 3 days and bruising may occur between 3 and 7 days.

  • You can return to your normal life after 1 week.

  • You can start doing long walks and sports at the end of 3 weeks.

  • You can see the final shape of your face at the end of the 6th month.

What is the Price of Jaw Implant?

“The price of a jaw implant differs according to the area to be applied. For this reason, it is recommended to take the net price range after the consultation with a plastic surgeon.”       

Written on 01/04/2021


Last Update: 04/09/2023

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